Thai Chicken Salad

I usually make this with chicken breast or a schnitzel but neither were on special so I cooked up x6 chicken legs ($3.99 kg) and shredded the chicken when it had cooled down.

x6 chicken legs or breast or beef

Enough assorted lettuce for your family

Fresh herbs including corriander!

Half a bag of pams slaw mix (or make your own)

A couple of handfuls of crispy noodles and peanuts

Thread coconut (About 1/2 a cup)

Balsamic vinegar and sweet chilli sauce

Combine lettuce, herbs, slaw, noodles, peanuts and cocount

Toss through balsamic – right before serving

Plate, add meat on top and add sweet chilli (to everyones liking!)

A great weekend meal for all of the family (my kids love it!)


18. October 2019 by tuiflatdvk
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Our Meal Plan – designed to incorporate the specials at New World Dannevirke for the week & what is in the garden (and in our vege packs!)

Monday – Gluten Free Curry Chicken & Kumara Mac ‘n’ Cheese with Garden Spinach & Thyme (see the last post for my recipe!)

Tuesday – Bacon & Poached Farm Eggs (thanks Casey!) on Crispy Bread with wilted Silver Beet (stalks and all) and Fresh Herbs

Wednesday – Quinoa and Chrizo salad – with Broccoli, Beet leaves & Stalks and Roasted ginger Carrots (LOVE!) with almonds and peanut sauce

Thursday – Thai Chicken Salad (Watch this space for that recipe!)

Friday – Noodle, Green Vege Salad & Cauliflower Rice with Hot Salmon and Runny Eggs!

14. October 2019 by tuiflatdvk
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Curry Chicken & Kumara Mac ‘n’ Cheese with Garden Spinach & Thyme (gluten free)

Love curry sauce, especially with tasty cheese thrown in!

Here is our dinner tonight, all prepped, off to kick the kids at bat down and then to water some veges!

x1 packet of gf pasta – cooked as per packet directions

x1 large kumara – chopped and roasted (15 mins)

x1 handful of spinach, washed and torn


500 grams of chicken

For the sauce, 80 grams of butter, diced, salt and pepper, 1 tbsp of curry, 1/2 c of gf flour, milk to thicken

Tasty cheese (1 cup for sauce, 1 cup for the top)

Cook pasta – drain

Cook kumara

Cook chicken (I only partially cook mine, because it is being cooked again and it can dry out)

Wash and chop spinach

Remove thyme leaves from stalk

Combine the lot

Make your curry sauce –

Add butter, flour and seasoning with curry powder in a medium heat pot and combine, start to slowly add milk until it thickens and you have enough sauce for your mac and cheese – add 1 cup of tasty cheese

Combine the lot – I cook mine in our small roasting dish, to ensure no bubble over!

Top with more cheese and gf bread crumbs of a nutty top if you like

Cook for 20 minutes or until bubbling and heated through (important for chicken!)

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14. October 2019 by tuiflatdvk
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Sunday Supreme Sausage & Egg Pie

I am by no means a recipe writer, chef, or a strict follower of recipes for that matter, but I enjoy creating meals for my family that are a bit different & fun to make! After 5 years working in a kitchen I do miss creating & inventing, so alongside my garden and with recipes I know & have created myself I want to share them with you – tonight, Sunday Supreme Sausage & Egg Pie, that is in the oven as we speak – as I am pumped to watch our Silver Ferns take on Australia at 6pm (delayed!)

Ingredients –

400 grams of sausage meat

400 grams of pork mince (or beef, or chicken!)

3/4 cup of tomato relish

Salt & Pepper

x2 tbsp of garlic

x1 cup of wholemeal bread crumbs

x1 tomato (fried)

x1 red onion (fried)

A bunch of beetroot leaves (set in boiling water for 5 min & drain)

Fresh herbs

X5 eggs

x4 beetroot (sliced & roasted for 10 mins)

Pastry (2 rools, but you only use 1 & a half)

Oil spray & baking paper

Dried herbs


Method –

Heat oven, slice & cook beetroot & set aside

Boil jug, blanch beet leaves and stalks

Heat fry pan, cook onions for 5 mins and add tomato until soft

Combine beet leaves & stalks and onion/tomato mix in a big bowl with – sausage meat, mince, tomato relish, seasoning, garlic, breadcrumbs, mix together well

Spray dish & line with baking paper – then line with pastry. This is difficult, work fast & cut & paste! Remember, rustic!

Add half of the sausage mix, add a layer of beetroot and repeat

Then add whole eggs, break yolks and stab into meat mixture to disperse the whites – make sure the pastry is high enough up the side of the dish to ensure the egg doesn’t run out

Fold the excess pastry over and spray with oil spray, then slice the pastry and layer over the top

Spray again & sprinkle (add cheese if you want)

Place in a 180 degree, pre heated oven for about and hour and a half. Watch the pastry, if it begins to brown too much place a baking tray over the top.

Rest for 1o minutes and gently cut. I intend to take mine out of the dish, maybe interesting!

Serve with a fresh salad!


13. October 2019 by tuiflatdvk
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Rainbow Seedy Slaw – Thanks to Charlotte

Thank you for sharing this Charlotte. This is an easy recipe to pre prepare & my family absolutely loved it! Plus leftovers for both Hubbys lunch and mine today!

09. October 2019 by tuiflatdvk
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Salt & Vinegar Chicken

One of our faves, Salt & Vinegar Chicken can be served in so many ways!

On Burgers with home made kumara fries, like in the photo, on Cous Cous with stir fry veges, sliced on top of a fresh salad or as ‘popcorn’ chicken, yummy to dunk in a home made dressing, something like Aioli or Ranch

How do I create this yummy meal ?

Chicken Breast – sliced through the middle to create a thin breast

Salt & Vinegar chips (a large bag) or Honey Soy, which ever flavor you prefer. Cornflakes are another option (also great on fish) – Crushed


Egg (add some cold water) and whisk

Now to the fun crumbing process – a great job for the kids

Take the chicken, coat in flour, dip in egg & drain off excess and then crumb, press the crumbs on lightly & set aside

I cook them in coconut oil, but use whatever you like. I find that coconut oil keeps the chicken nice and moist.

Tonight we are having ours with home made slaw & kumara mash – photos to follow!



08. October 2019 by tuiflatdvk
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An amazing meal – I ended up mixing the quinoa (1 cup) through the mince and vege mix! Topped with choy flowers, almonds & sesame seeds. With a touch of sweet chilli sauce and soy on the sides, for the spice haters! 72337742_698012110680268_3686321227011457024_n

08. October 2019 by tuiflatdvk
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Ginger Pork & Peanut Stirfry on Quinoa (GF)

Ingredients –

500g pork mince – or chicken or beef

X1 tbsp crushed garlic

X1 tbsp crushed ginger

Salt & pepper – to taste

½ cup of boiling water

2 tbsp peanut butter

X2 tbsp sweet chilli sauce

X2 tbsp soy sauce

X2 tsp peanut oil

Handful of each – beet leaves (incl stalks), choy (leaves & flowers), coriander.

X1 carrot, finely sliced & ½ red capsicum, finely sliced

Method –

– Cook the quinoa as per packet directions

– Boil the jug & place beet leaves & choy leaves in a bowl, cover with water & sit for 10 minutes, drain & set aside

– Heat a small fry pan with oil or coconut oil & cook until soft, carrots, capsicum & beet stalks & set aside

– Add water & peanut butter, mix. Add to that chilli sauce, soy sauce and peanut oil, mix and set aside

– Place in a fry pan on a medium heat with oil or coconut oil, mince, garlic, ginger & seasoning & cook through

– Once cooked through add the veges & the sauce mix & heat though

Plate –


Mince & Vege mix

Top with coriander, choy flowers & chopped peanuts (or sesame seeds, in our house)

Add a bit of soy sauce & sweet chilli sauce to finish!


08. October 2019 by tuiflatdvk
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Welcome to Tui Flat Gardens meal planning & recipe blog!!

Each Sunday I will be posting my families meal plan – It will be based on what is on special at our local (and only) supermarket, along with what is available in the garden. As well as my plan I will include the recipes, some from my mad mind!! and some from the huge range of recipe books & magazines that I have.

Once my meals are posted, head back to Tui Flats Facebook page & see what I have available to buy! Order online, via private message & you can whip up some of these yummy meals.



08. October 2019 by tuiflatdvk
Categories: Uncategorised | 1 comment